Grain Schedule
Grain Inspection Fees and Charges
Effective Date: December 1, 2024, Federal Grain Inspection Service (FGIS) must approve all fees for official services and official agencies will assess only those fees appearing on their current approved fee schedules.
Regular Hours: 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Regular Hourly Rates: Samplers/Technicians/Weighers/Clerical $27.50 and Inspector $30.00, per hour per person. All hourly rates assessed in quarter hour increments.
Overtime Hourly Rate: One and one-half times the regular hourly rate applies to Saturday and other than regular hours.
Sunday and Holiday Rate: Double the regular hourly rate.
Holidays include: New Year's Eve and Day; President's Day; Good Friday; Memorial Day; Independence Day; Labor Day; Thanksgiving Day; Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. If a holiday falls on a Saturday, EIGIS will observe it on Friday. If a holiday falls on a Sunday, EIGIS will observe it on Monday.
FGIS Administrative Tonnage Fees: In addition to all other applicable fees, FGIS administrative tonnage fees for export grain shipments inspected and/or weighed, excluding land carrier shipments to Canada and Mexico, will be assessed at the current per metric ton rate identified in FGIS Directive 9180.74 Service Fees and Billing Codes, Attachment 1. Invoices will identify assessed administrative tonnage fees as separate line items per applicable carrier/unit type.
FGIS Supervision Fees: In addition to all other applicable fees, FGIS supervision fees for domestic U.S. grain shipments inspected and/or weighed, including land carrier shipments to Canada and Mexico, will be assessed at the current per metric ton rate identified in FGIS Directive 9180.74 Service Fees and Billing Codes, Attachment 2. Invoices will identify assessed supervision fees as separate line items per applicable carrier/unit type.
Mileage: The IRS standard mileage rate will be assessed per mile actual miles travel. Any change to the mileage rate is effective when the IRS changes their standard mileage rate. Mileage and travel time will be prorated where possible.
Official Inspection Services: Sampling, mileage and delivery charges are in addition to unit fees listed. Standby and travel hours will be assessed at applicable hourly rates. All requests for service will be honored as soon as possible on a first call- first service basis. All requests for service should be ordered by 2:00 p.m. the preceding day or the proceeding Friday for the weekend and Monday.
Official Commercial Inspection Services: Official Commercial Inspections (OCIS) are offered and will be negotiated on a case by case basis from our officially approved fee schedule.
Cancellation Charges: If a start time is established outside regular business hours and the customer cancels that day prior to the start time, a 4 hour per person cancellation charge will be assessed at the applicable hourly rate.
On Call Charges: On call charges occur when an applicant requests personnel to be available outside regular business hours but not onsite. Elevator must establish a start/notification time for agency personnel to be available for work. Elevator will contact agency personnel. If the work is not performed at this time and personnel are requested to continue to be on call or another start time is requested for the same day. A charge of 2 hours per person per day will be assessed at the applicable hourly rate.
Minimum Fee: A four-hour minimum at the applicable hourly rate will be assessed for service requests cancelled after personnel are in route.
Onsite Lab staffing: Applicable hourly rate, for inspector(s) and/or technician(s) plus travel time, mileage and unit fees. Eastern Iowa Grain Inspection Service (EIGIS) reserves the right to determine the number and type of inspection personnel to properly service the customer.
Personnel Safety: The customer has the responsibility to make the grain or stowage area accessible. On barges and railcars EIGIS employees do not open or close doors/lids. On tops of railcars there must be a minimum of 2 people at all times. This can be two EIGIS employees or one EIGIS employee and one elevator employee. This is to “render aid if needed” which could be someone to call 911.
Weather Policy: EIGIS will adhere to the following inclement weather policy: Sampling and stowage examination requests may be delayed, curtailed or dismissed when any the following conditions exist: High winds, rainfall that creates conditions that are dangerous to employees and/or facility specific condition that could put employees providing the sampling or stowage services in jeopardy. Adequate lighting must be provided when onsite services are requested after sunset.
In addition to the following unit fees, inspector, technician, sampler, travel, standby time and mileage will be assessed for all services. Travel time will be assessed portal to portal.
A. Official Sample-Lot Inspection: (White Certificate)
1. | Rail Car, per car | $20.70 |
2. | Truck or trailer, per unit | $15.75 |
3. | Barge and bulk lot inspection, per 1,000 bushel or fraction of | $ 4.55 |
4. | Reinspection, basis new sample - same as applicable carrier fee | |
5. | Reinspection, basis file sample | $11.35 |
6. | Containers, per container | $20.70 |
7. | Identity preserved shipping bins will be billed at the number of containers loaded from the sealed shipping bin, per container | $20.70 |
8. | Bag/bin sampling/inspection at warehouse facility, per lot | $41.90 |
9. | Stowage examination, when physically on railcars, per car | $ 3.60 |
10. | Stowage examination, when physically on barge, per barge | $10.35 |
B. Submitted Sample Inspection: (Pink Certificate)
1. | Initial grade or Reinspection, per sample | $11.35 |
2. | Factor only, per sample | $ 8.50 |
3. | Factor only, two or more factors | $11.35 |
C. Other Official Inspection Services: (Does not include man-hours, if applicable)
1. | Special requested factor on certificate, per request | $ 3.10 |
2. | Waxy corn test, per sample | $18.60 |
3. | Stowage examination, only | $16.00 |
4. | Duplicate certificates or correction of applicant error | $ 6.20 |
5. | Stress crack analysis (corn) | $12.40 |
6. | Sampling only, railcar, truck/trailer, container | $11.35 |
7. | Sampling only, all others, per 1,000 bushel or fraction of | $ 3.45 |
8. | Mycotoxin testing (Qualitative or Quantitative) | $36.20 |
9. | Mycotoxin supplemental testing (Quantitative) | $20.70 |
10. | Dark hard and vitreous count | $ 5.65 |
11. | Insect damaged kernal count (wheat) based on 100 grams | $ 6.70 |
12. | Minimum charge for barge D/T cancellation after loading has commenced | $51.75 |
13. | Checktesting of Diverter-Type sampler Checktesting of onsite lab equipment (includes DT sampler) |
$51.75 $77.50 |
14. | Weighing (Class X or Class Y), per carrier | $ 5.40 |
15. | Individual file sample request on composite container booking | $ 1.00 |
16. | Railcar sealing, will only replace seals if broken by EIGIS, per seal | $ 1.00 |
17. | Revisions to certification after instructions have already been provided and paperwork processed - Applicable hourly fee will be assessed. | |
18. | Seed Sizing / White Hilum | $25.85 |
19. | NIRT protein, oil or starch | $10.85 |
20. | Witness fumigation, per carrier | $ 5.20 |
21. | Additional statements/certificates, each | $ 5.20 |
EIGIS charges are subject to all applicable state and local service (sales) taxes.
Official Services not covered by the above fee will be charged at the applicable hourly rate.
A. | Weighing Service: Class II Weighing - Railcar/Container | $ 6.70 |
B. | Elevator equipment checktest, per unit | $25.85 |
C. | Per diem charges, when personnel are requested to stay overnight - Actual room charge | |
D. | Prepare sample for mailing, per sample | $ 10.00 |
E. | Letterhead Statement, if not charging for original test or if this is requested in addition to the official certificate, (not weights) per statement | $ 5.20 |
G. | GMO test, per strip, kit supplied by applicant | $12.40 |
H. | Grain grading training, per instructor, per hour, plus travel time and plus mileage | $51.75 |
I. | Certificate of training attendances, per certificate | $ 5.20 |
J. | Post inspection request for additional tests | $25.85 |
K. | Other expenses incurred will be passed on at cost | |
Eastern-Iowa Grain Inspection Fees and Charges